WHY was the PAS® developed? The people you are wanting to help lie or hide from you to gain benefits or cover their past or current hardship…or they want to share but don’t know how.
Many marginalized individuals instinctively withhold information about their true selves. Others may want to open up but do not have the ability to do so.

The PAS® was developed to identify your participants’ missing dynamic information. Why? Your best decisions are made when you add your participants’ unknown dynamic information to their known static information.
Plus, don’t you want to know how ready they are for your help?
Their inability or hesitancy to open up, and you not having their dynamic information, hinders you from helping them.
Without their voice you are limited to making decisions based on your participants’ static factors – unchangeable external historical events in their life such as education, marriage, previous employment, criminal record, etc.

You are missing their internal dynamic factors such as motivation, resilience, self-esteem, communication preferences, interests, social skills, etc. Until now, uncovering this information has not been efficient, cost-effective, or reliable.
You’re limited from matching your intervention(s) to their reality or empowering them to participate. You are blocked from quickly identifying those who you cannot help or have disruptive traits that could poison any employer willing to hire them. The PAS ® simply adds the dynamic information you need to improve your people decisions.
The PAS® is a game changer. It is not sold or bought. It’s adopted slowly. Learn more.