Come on. Admit it. You know your outcomes would improve if you added your participants’ or applicants’ dynamic information into your processes. Yes, it’s time you learned more.

The PAS® is not sold or bought. It’s adopted. A slow and steady adoption process protects you and your organization’s culture from any negative unintended consequences. It provides you the opportunity to understand and evaluate its potential impact in tandem with your outcomes.
Help us help you learn more about the PAS® – at no cost!
Learning more can start with us talking briefly on the phone…or e-mail. Just give us a how to best reach you and when.
Learning more can start by learning how others are using the PAS®. You will be surprised how many different organizations are using a person’s dynamic information to improve their outcomes.
Learning more can start by us sending you sample PAS® reports. These are reports others have adopted and how they chose to add their participants’ voices to their intervention. And hey, the cost is only $8 per report if you choose to go forward.
Start putting their voice into your intervention by becoming a PAS® believer! Start learning if they are ready to be helped by you.
Right Time LLC. P.O. Box 121025; Melbourne, FL.; 32912; 727-276-3855