The PAS® is helping an Ohio county help TANF eligible families achieve self-sufficiency.
TANF (Temporary Assistance for Needy Families) is a national program administered by the Department of Health and Human Services. TANF goals are to assist needy families financially, end family dependency on government benefits, job preparation, and the formation and maintenance of two-parent families.
The Federal government provides grants to States which have broad flexibility to administer the program in their state. The state of Ohio disseminates funds to each of its 88 counties with similar broad flexibility.
One of Ohio’s 88 counties that receive TANF funding administers the PAS® to eligible TANF participants during their orientation.
Two reports are issued.
A confidential PSF Report is issued to the Senior Case Manager.
This PSF Report identifies the participant’s dynamic personality and sociability traits. The PSF Report also identifies over fifteen internal characteristics which affects employment training and placement. The participant’s plan is now developed which includes both the participant’s static and dynamic needs.
Information from the PSF Report is shared verbally. Educators, training supervisors, case managers, outside community resources, and local businesses use the information to aid their intervention.
A Strength Report is also issued to the participant. The report helps them realize who they are and how to take advantage of it. It identifies their personality strengths, challenges, traps they could fall into, and what they can do about them. Their Strength Report helps them put their personality to work for them and tip the scales in their favor.
Case managers spend a considerable amount of time sharing the participant’s Strength Report. This sharing enhances the relationship between the participant and case manager.
The county has begun administering the PAS® to participants to monitor internal change. A third report, an Impact Report, is issued.
Over the last two years the county has assessed over 300 TANF eligible participants.
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Learn more. Receive sample reports showing how this county is helping their participant’s become more prosocial.