The PAS® benefits the criminal justice system by adding an offender’s unknown dynamic information to their known static information. Law Enforcement. Courts. Corrections. Parole. Offender.
The United States is emerging from decades of mass incarceration. The criminal justice pendulum has again turned to individualized intervention to reduce recidivism. Right Time’s PAS® is an innovative process that helps the criminal justice system reduce recidivism from initial law enforcement contact through the courts, corrections, and parole.
Wherever you are in the criminal justice system, the PAS® is for you!
The PAS® is the voice of your offender. It’s a process that identifies your offenders’ key internal elements amenable to being changed through intervention. It then integrates those elements into customized, dynamic, and real-time reports which helps you help offenders rise above their past or current hardship.
Want to know if people are ready for your help? Your cost could be a low as $8.
The PAS® identifies those offenders who can and cannot be rehabilitated, provides the dynamic information necessary to identify and improve effective programming, empowers offenders to participate in their own rehabilitation, and measures rehabilitation internally in real-time as opposed to externally over years.
The PAS® benefits the courts, judges, administrators, and probation officers.
The PAS® identifies if rehabilitation is possible and desired, and if so, what research-indicated interventions have the best chance for success with that individual.
The PAS® answers the elusive last ‘R’ in the RNR rehabilitation model, Responsivity. Can the offender get past their past…do they have the ability and willingness move forward? This has not been done before in the criminal justice system so thoroughly, quickly, and cheaply.
For Judges:
• Helps with diversionary sentencing – addition of dynamic along with static risk assessment
• Provides an additional measure to insure public safety by identifying offenders who are at risk for recidivating while they are in treatment
• Helps tailor resource space – allocating treatment for those who will most benefit from intervention
For Court Administrators:
• Case management help by reducing the time probation officers need to take to evaluate the offender
• Improved collaboration between intervention and justice systems
• Justifying and finding additional funds
For Probation Officers:
• Verify risk/need
• Evidence-based intervention guidelines
• Identify offender’s motivations, learning style, communication preferences, abilities, and strengths
• Better case management/behavioral outcomes
• Jumpstart relationship
• Tailor supervision
The PAS ® benefits Departments of Corrections and its individual prisons.
For Departments of Corrections:
• Orientation/reception: identify dynamic risk factors
• Match need interventions to dynamic risk factors
• Identify how willing an offender is to being rehabilitated
• Identify what motivators can be used to engage the offender in treatment
• Identify offender’s learning style, communication preferences, motivations, abilities, and strengths
• Help determine prison assignment
• Outcome evaluation: proof of rehabilitation
For Individual Prisons:
• Verify risk/need
• Measure efficacy of selected prison programming
• Measure efficacy of new prison programming
• Identify offender’s learning style, communication preferences, motivations, abilities, and strengths
• Trend analysis: allows program needed adjustments in shorter time periods
The PAS ® benefits the Parole Board and parole officers.
Parole Boards could be better served if they had the additional dynamic information that the PAS ® can provide to help in their decision – whether or not there has been any inmate internal change in criminal thinking, motivations, resilience, and self-esteem while incarcerated.
Parole officers are the safety net between the parolee and the public. It is important they have access to all possible information concerning their parolees. The PAS ® provides parole officers intervention, supervision, and communication guidelines.
For Parole Boards:
• Risk Assessment – have they changed? Will they take a new direction upon release?
For Parole Officers:
• Verify risk/need
• Evidence-based intervention guidelines
• Identify offender’s learning style, communication preferences, motivations, abilities, and strengths
• Better case management/behavioral outcomes
• Jumpstart relationship
• Tailor supervision
The PAS ® benefits the offender by being his/her voice in the rehabilitation process.
If rehabilitation is going to be successful it needs to be done with the offender, not for them or to them. They need to have their own information every step along the way in order to collaborate with the process. Including their voice in the rehabilitation process decreases their resistance to change and increases their readiness for treatment. The PAS® becomes their voice and pulls them into the rehabilitation process.
The PAS® even identifies those who could successfully work within the system.
Not everyone is hardwired to work in the criminal justice system. The PAS® is able to identify those applicants who have disruptive personality traits that won’t allow them to work well in the system. The PAS® helps you put the right applicant in the right place doing the right thing – or not!
• Predicts with 97% accuracy how well your applicant will fit for you, your employees, and your offenders – and if you are good for them
• Identifies how well they will accept your policies and procedures
• Tailored reporting to your hiring situation
The PAS® is a game changer. It is not sold or bought. It’s adopted slowly. Learn more.