…today’s secret…asking them to open up is like undressing them in public!
Marginalized is a generic term applied to individuals who face physical, mental, educational, economic, or social hardships…
…you know this because you work with them daily.
You also know they lie and hide themselves to gain your benefits or cover their troubled past.
If they could or would talk to you this what they would really say:
“I’m pretty sure I don’t meet your criteria. Stop asking questions.”
“Sure, I’ve messed up. If I told you how jacked up I am you might not want to help me.”“No thanks. I’ll just duck your questions. I’ll give you answers you want to hear to stack your deck in my favor.”
When did you last sit in front of a total stranger and tell them all about your horrific mistakes? Would you not do the same if you are in their position?
So, we get it. It’s hard to know their inner realities. There is no easy way for you to work WITH and WITHIN them…that is till now.
Right Time has developed the PAS®. It’s their inner voice. No more guessing or awkward interviews. You can keep them dressed and know all you want to know internally to help them. Promise.