…today’s secret…Re-think your branding.
How do you brand your organization today?
Online digital weasels will tell you to identify and measure SEO keywords, click-thru rates, cost-per-response, etc.
Old-School marketing weasels will say your branding rests with your color schemes, fonts, logos, layouts, slogans, etc.
I would tell the digital guys that short-term efficiency measures will just gain name recognition.
And the old-school guys? What they have is a visual style guide. Every organization on earth has a visual style guide.
And yes, if your visual style is successful, people will also recognize you.
However, being recognized doesn’t mean much unless there is a mental image attached to it.
Fill in the blank…”Sure, I’ve heard of _. Don’t know anything about them though.”
Please, start thinking about bonding rather than branding.
Today’s new branding revolves around the number of emotional chords you touch inside people.
It’s our human nature to bond. Today we are buying on shared experiences and beliefs, hopes, fears, fascinations, and even flaws.
It’s not about your solution to a problem, but about who and what you really are.
Talk to people. Talk to you clients. Talk to your potential clients. Talk to people who might come into the market over the next year or so.
Engage everyone you can in an emotional level, things that are relevant to them. Go for their heart, not their head.
The degree you resonate in a person’s heart measures the strength of your brand.
People will be attracted to you when you quit being scared to be seen as you really are.
Let everyone see you real! In the end people will think of you and feel good about you when they finally need what you have to offer.