…today’s secret… Law of Inertia.
You doubt you can push a stopped car down the street. “I’m not sure I can do this.”
You move the car an inch. Then two inches. Then a yard.
When it moves five yards you’re telling yourself you can do it.
Soon you’re running behind it, basking in the applause of an imaginary crowd.
It’s Newton’s law of inertia. Been around since the late 1600s.
Your car doesn’t begin to roll when you start pushing, nor does it stop the moment you quit.
Likewise, working with marginalized populations is like pushing a car.
They don’t begin to change as quickly as you would like, but their change
doesn’t stop the moment you stop.
Ask yourself this question each time you are next facing your participants…
…”Am I trotting along behind them, giving them a nudge to keep rolling, or
am I pushing with all my strength to just pick up speed?”
If you find yourself pushing hard, maybe you should take a deeper look at
the PAS®.
OK, it may seem like a shameless plug.
But, the law of inertia doesn’t change. Need a push?
Right Time’s PAS® adds the voice of your marginalized participant to your intervention which means you can improve your decision making, achieve quicker rapport, gain marketplace advantage, and, maybe, increase your funding.
How much of their voice do you need? $4. $8. $14.
P.S. You can’t improve what you can’t measure. We believe there are six
benchmarks used to measure how prosocial a marginalized person is. The
more of these six benchmarks participants have…the more prosocial they
are. Yes, prosocial can now be measured. Want to know these ‘Big Six’…?