…today’s secret…Rebooting lives
Reboot is a computer verb directing your computer to reset its operating system.
Here are three ‘reboots’ to help you better reboot the lives you have chosen to help reboot.
1) Avoid adverbs.
Adverbs usually, not always, end in the letters ly. When you use adverbs, you haven’t picked the right verb in the first place. You then look for help words to reinforce your chosen weaker verb.
‘Very’ is a very misused adverb. It is used to reinforce other adverbs. “I very much dislike adverbs.”
Why try and justify the word dislike with two extra words when the word hate fills the need? “I hate adverbs.”
Here’s the reboot. Substitute the word ‘damn’ every time you use the word ‘very’. You’ll be surprised how fast you will look for a stronger verb because you don’t want to use ‘damn.’
2) Avoid assumptions.
Don’t assume the people you are helping understand the benefits when you tell them how you are helping.
Remember when salespeople told you…”this car has a hybrid engine.” …”this sofa is 8-way-hand-tied.” …”we use Cognitive-Behavioral
Therapy here.”
Here’s the reboot. Either verbally or silently add the two words ‘which means’ to the end of your sentences. This habit will bridge your language directly to their mind.
“This car has a hybrid engine which means it runs on gas and electricity. This sofa is 8-way-hand-tied which means it will support your grandparents and their ten dogs. We use Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy which means it is shorter and sticks like glue.”
3) Avoid the past and concentrate on the future.
People seeking your help have a troubled past and many prefer not to talk about their lifetime of regrets.
Here’s the reboot. Replace the words ‘if only’ with ‘next time.’ Using ‘next time’ forces your attention to the future. Next time…Next time…Next time…